Tuesday, January 7, 2020

2020 Beauty Resolutions for the New Year

Now that it’s 2020, it’s time to set your beauty resolutions and goals for the new year. Taking the time to reflect on what you do and don’t want to bring into the new year will help you stay focused and organized right from the start. We’re giving you some tips and ideas below to help with your 2020 beauty and personal care regime, and what we think you should leave behind or bring with you into what we hope will be your best year yet! Read on for our beauty resolutions of 2020!

New Year Beauty Resolutions: Beauty Do’s

There are some things you should always be doing. And there are some things, when done on a regular basis, that will drastically improve your beauty routine. These five “beauty do’s” are your chance to start fresh in 2020.

Beauty Resolution 1: Repeat Some of Your Best Looks

Did you try out a new hairstyle last year? Use a unique hair accessory? Whatever you did, take a look through past photos from 2019 and beyond to see what your hair looked like when you felt you looked your best. Don’t be afraid to repeat this look! The more you do it, the better you’ll get at it.

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Revisit your greatest hits, rocking the hair and beauty looks you loved from the past year… and beyond!

Beauty Resolution 2: Try Something New Once a Month

We’re most excited about this beauty do! It’s always fun to change things up, and allowing yourself to try one new thing each month is the perfect excuse. Our list of new things to try in 2020 includes clean products with sustainable packaging, big hair clips, and fresh, glowing complexions.

Beauty Resolution 3: Take Care of Your Hair

Make your hair a priority, and you’ll see the difference. One big new year hair resolution is to get regular trims to keep your hair looking healthy and feeling strong, and prevent split ends or damage from accumulating. Combine this good habit with a hair mask or deep conditioning treatment once a week, and your hair is sure to be silky and smooth all year long.

Make sure you get a hair mask or treatment that works with you hair type; if you have thin or thinning hair, a heavy mask with lots of oils or conditioning agents can weigh down thin hair.

It’s also important to let your hair dry naturally whenever you can, because hair dryers and straightening tools can damage hair, making it dry or brittle. If you’re ready to help your hair from the inside out, a hair growth vitamin is a great way to get extra nourishment to the hair follicles for thicker, fuller growth.

Beauty Resolution 4: Get Your Beauty Sleep

This one sounds obvious, but it’s one of the most important beauty tips. Sleepless nights can cause damage to your health and appearance, so you want to make sure you’re getting your full seven to eight hours a night. A good way to start this habit is by setting a regular bedtime for yourself, and holding yourself accountable. It’s a good idea to set a timer for added help! You may even try one of the new trendy apps that helps you track your sleep.

happy african american woman waking up bed beauty rest 2020 new year beauty resolutions toppik hair blog
Get your beauty rest!

Beauty Resolution 5: Drink Lots of Water

This is another “beauty do” that everyone knows to practice, but few actually follow. Drinking lots of water is vital for your health, it’s great for glowing skin, and it can even help with weight loss. Buy a large water bottle to carry with you so you’re never without water and you don’t have to refill as often. If you don’t like the taste, water flavor enhancers that will make it easier for you to drink a lot during the day.

New Year Beauty Resolutions: Beauty Don’ts

Here are some things you should never do. But in case you are, make 2020 the year you kick these habits to the curb once and for all!

Beauty Don’t 1: You Don’t Buy a Moisturizer With SPF

No matter your age, your moisturizer should always contain SPF 30 or higher. This preventative step will keep you looking young and block harmful UV rays that can cause damage to the skin. If you’re trying to prevent wrinkles – or stop more from appearing – this is the first step.

Beauty Don’t 2: You Don’t Monitor Your Alcohol Intake

We all get a little wild sometimes, just make sure it isn’t every weekend. Drinking alcohol slows down your metabolism, so you’re more likely to gain and keep the weight. It can also cause damage to almost every organ in your body, including your heart and liver, so just remember: everything in moderation.

Beauty Don’t 3: Hitting the Tanning Bed

If you’re still going to the tanning salon, 2020 needs to be the year that you stop. Tanning beds pose serious health risks, including premature skin aging, immune suppression, and eye damage. If you’re going to fake a tan, try a spray or lotion instead of a tanning bed. In this day and age, there’s no reason to subject yourself to the harm of a tanning bed.

Beauty Don’t 4: Over-Coloring Your Hair

If you want natural-looking hair color or to subtly cover grays without anyone noticing, have your hairdresser match your hair color with your skin tone. This will help prevent your hair color from changing too drastically between appointments to the salon, and will ensure your hair color complements your skin tone. Remember to keep color within your natural shade range. The right shade will enhance your face and hair texture without being too overpowering.

Between your color appointments, use a root touchup spray to disguise root show-through. Toppik Root Touch Up Spray has a unique airbrush applicator and flexible color pigments that adjust to perfectly match your hair color, all in a lightweight, quick-drying formula. So now you can stretch the time between your hair appointments, while still looking polished.

hair roots part blonde woman growth avoiding bleach damaged hair toppik hair blog
Avoid over-coloring your hair.

Beauty Don’t 5: You Don’t Embrace What Makes You Unique!

This seems like an easy one, but if you’re constantly looking at others and thinking you want what they have, you’re always going to come up short. Maybe you don’t have gorgeous long hair or perfect flawless skin, but you have qualities and opportunities that shouldn’t get overlooked. Cheers to you in 2020!

Men’s Personal Care New Year’s Resolutions

Women aren’t the only ones who should be making beauty New Year’s resolutions – men need to make sure they take care of themselves in the new year as well.

Use A Moisturizer

No, moisturizers are not just for women. There are moisturizers specifically formulated for men that can help with anything from razor burn to dry, sensitive skin. A moisturizer helps balance and nourish skin, and every man can benefit from using it.

Wash Your Face

You might think that washing your face with water is good enough, but your skin deserves more T.L.C. than that. Simply splashing your face with water won’t remove bacteria, dirt and other buildup, so it’s important to use a face wash cleanser specifically designed to do this. Be sure to make this a 2020 resolution.

Use Hair Conditioner

Treat your hair right by nourishing and protecting it. Look for a conditioner that’s going to make your hair stronger without drying it out, like Toppik Hair Building Conditioner. You don’t have to use this product all the time, but twice a week will help prevent hair from breaking, keeping it looking thicker and healthier.

shower man washing hair shampoo conditioner when is hair conditioner for men necessary toppik hair blog
Guys, don’t forget the conditioner every time your shampoo your hair.

Whiten Your Teeth

This is often overlooked, but should be an important addition to your weekly or monthly routine. Most over-the-counter teeth whiteners will work great and provide lasting results when used as directed. Your teeth are often one of the first things noticed by others, so you want to make sure you’re taking good care of them. It’s the little things that end up making a big difference in how you look and feel.

Tips for Staying on Track with New Year’s Resolutions

It’s not always easy to stick to your resolutions, but there are a few things you can do to help keep yourself on track.

One of the best things you can do for yourself is to make time to rejuvenate and track your progress and goals. Being able to think clearly and focus on yourself, whether it’s for a few minutes each day or a few hours each week, will help you figure out what you need and how to better get to that point. A journal is a great way to help you keep track of where you are and help you stay motivated.

Another great way to stick to your resolutions is to get a friend involved. This is especially helpful if you’re trying something new, or need help monitoring what you’re eating or drinking. Keeping track of a goal with someone else holds you both accountable, and the reward is usually more fun! Agree to a special splurge or treat when you both hit your goals as a way to celebrate and help keep your eyes on the prize!

Use the buddy system and share your resolutions with a friend who will help you stay on track.

Are you trying any new year beauty resolutions in 2020? Tell us in the comments section below what you’re most excited to accomplish in the new year!

The post 2020 Beauty Resolutions for the New Year appeared first on Toppik Blog.

Read full article: https://www.toppik.com/hairtoppiksblog/beauty-resolutions-for-the-new-year/

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